Today, in this article, we are not going to refer to the good life in the same spirit as Plato and Aristotle defined it in their moral and ethical sense of conduct for the enhancement of well being for all of humanity. Au contraire, we're going to focus on the good life, in a smaller, somewhat more concise and customized segment, much more in the personal quest to live the best possible life by doing, having, and becoming the best that we can as members of society, and, at the same time, offering the best financial, spiritual, and close to the greatest possible lifestyle for ourselves and our family.
Contrary to the fifth century philosophers, we take the liberty of assuming that you have to be able to take care of yourself and your family first before you can start helping your fellow countrymen and humanity as a whole.
What is your definition of the good life? What would make all your efforts worthwhile vis-à-vis your family's happiness? Is seeing your loved ones free from any financial hardship or needs important to you? How important is it to you to be able to take care of your children? Are there any limits to what you would do to make your family happier, to provide them with the good life?
Many people believe that it's somewhat materialistic if you talk about money, yet when I go to the doctor's office, dentist's, florist's, the bakery, the masseuse, the car dealership: it seems like the first thing they want to know is how am I going to afford their services. I guess money opens a lot of doors. So, by deductive analysis, I've concluded that money is a large part of living the good life. Conversely, why not accumulate as much money as possible so you can not only live the good life yourself but also redistribute it by giving it away to others less fortunate?
A lot of folks are OK if you talk to them about how scarce money is in your life. In so doing, you validate their belief that making money is hard because more than 75% of the US population is broke, proving the statistic to be true in a very cynical way. That's how you meet them at their comfort zone. And, it is precisely the reason why they lack money in their life: their view about money is so negative.
I'm perfectly comfortable with having money on my mind and in my pocket because I know that my family deserves to live the good life which is free of any lack whatsoever.
The good life, also, means having a robust health, great friends surrounding you, a structurally grounded family life and an active living faith in a greater power that, in my case, I called Jehovah God, the creator of the universe.
I believe that each and every one of us, not only should, but deserves to live the good life. I believe if we put the effort and pay the price up front, we should definitely be able to harvest the fruits of our labor in style whichever way we choose to. Money is just a meter, a measuring tool that we use to scale up our progress in reaching our financial goals.
I hope you free your mind up of any subliminal misconceptions about money and its uses. Remember, you can always acquire it to use it to better the life of others if you choose to shift the focus away from yourself. It's not always all about you. The good life is great and it could be yours if you're willing to consider and apply the thought processes, habits and philosophies of successful people.
Remember, Life's a gift and then you... unwrap it!
Read, read, and read some more!