- Bored with your job and wondering if there's a way of making money from home
- Frustrated that you have to go to work when you'd rather stay at home with your family
- Disillusioned at the 'work at home opportunities' that you've explored so far, which seem to be just scams
- Out of work and struggling to find a job
- In work but worried you're going to be made redundant
- Looking to make extra money from home
Working from home is a desire many people have. Imagine commuting to your office in less than one minute. You can stay in your pyjamas for the morning too. No more rushing around in the morning trying to find the right pair of shoes to wear with your outfit. In fact, shoes will now become optional!
Then there's the lifestyle that working from home gives you. The freedom to schedule your work around your life, not the other way round.
How many times have you had to miss out on activities for your children because you couldn't get the time off? How many times have you gone to work sick because you didn't have any more sick leave you could use or because you didn't want to upset the boss?
Wouldn't it be great to make money from the comfort of your own home?
Have you ever felt that there must be more to life than the daily grind? Sure, you're working to make money, but when do you ever get to enjoy it?
If you've had to work holidays or weekends before now, this is your chance to work when you want to, not when you have to.
Benefits Of Your Own Transcription Business
I can honestly say I've never looked back and I'm sure you won't, if you decide to take this path. The only "regret" I have about starting this business is that I should have done it sooner.
However, we all have our individual journey in life and sometimes we are ready for things at certain times. As long as we do take action when we realise there's a better life out there for us, that's the main thing.
Here are some of the benefits of your own transcription business:
- You make money from the comfort of your own home, without leaving the house
- You can make a full-time income working part-time hours
- You can make a part-time income working just a few hours a week
- You get to do what you love by choosing the work you want to do
- You can work with clients all over the world
- You can quit your job and be your own boss
- You can set up a business from home with very low costs
- You finally have control over your own time - you decide when you want to work
- You can achieve your own dreams and goals
- You have the freedom and flexibility to do what you want WHEN you want (within reason!)
- You have more time with your family and friends...no long commutes
- You save money on fuel, train fares, childcare and parking fees
- You get to stay at home with your kids
- You can walk the dog and do the laundry during the day
- You get to take holidays when YOU want (no more asking the boss when you want a day off)
- You choose WHO you work with
- You get the job satisfaction that comes with your own business
- You get respect from others. You're no longer 'the secretary' or 'the typist' at the bottom of the career food chain. You are a business owner in your own right.
- You have as much variety in your work as you can handle!
- No more mundane and routine office jobs!
- You are free of office politics!
- You no longer have a dull and predictable 9 to 5 routine
- You no longer have to deal with employment agencies
- You don't have to 'power' dress any longer
- You don't have to sit through endless meetings that go nowhere
You can have this lifestyle if you decide to work from home as a transcriptionist. The beauty of this type of business is that the start-up costs are very low. You don't have to invest very much at all to get started.
You also don't need to have tons of skills or a certification. If you can type reasonably fast, use a computer and the internet, then you can get plenty of transcription work online.
But what about actually getting work, is there really any work out there?
Lots Of Transcription Work Available
If you're wondering whether this is going to be a waste of your time, let me reassure you that if you know how to get work, you'll discover an endless supply of it.
Transcription is one of the top tasks that business owners do not want to do themselves. Why would they want to spend their time typing when they could be doing what they do best?
The internet gives you many opportunities today to get work you can do from home. You're not restricted to getting clients in your local area. This is a godsend for those of you who may be living in a rural area with not many businesses nearby.
You can tap into a global network of businesses, who have an ongoing need for transcription work.
There are good transcriptionists around, but there are also quite a few who don't meet deadlines and don't provide a good service. How do I know? Because I've used transcriptionists myself, to help me do some of my work. It can be rather frustrating when you can't find good quality transcriptionists.
Imagine how easy it is for you to stand out from the crowd and get clients who will stick with you for the long-term, if you make a little bit more effort than the rest?
If you choose to specialise in a niche such as medical or legal transcription, it will be even easier to stand out from the crowd. Just think of all the doctors, dentists, vets, natural health practitioners and lawyers not just in your local area but worldwide.
The only problem you'll have is knowing how to land these clients in the first place and how to actually start your business.

'Transcription Work From Home!' - 82 page Ebook
- A step-by-step guide on how to actually start your transcription business and generate income in record time
- The different types of transcription work you can specialize in (hint: if you specialize, you'll make more money)
- How to start your transcription business when you're still working full-time
- How much money you can really earn
- How to actually get real transcription work online
- Where to find cost-effective equipment that will make your work seem like a walk in the park
- What skills you'll need (hint: this is one of the most easiest businesses to set up from home, requiring minimal skills)
- How much it will cost to set up your business
- Where to find inexpensive software that will type complete words and sentences automatically for you - all you have to do is enter a quick shortcut. This can really increase the amount you earn.
- What you need to have in your client agreements
- How to carve out a niche for yourself so that you are doing the work you love
- How to get clients ... FOR FREE
- How to make sure you get paid ... every time and on time! Simple techniques to keep the cash FLOWING in
- How to increase your income in leaps and bounds... by getting other people to do your work
- What computer equipment you must have
- A sample marketing letter that you can send to clients to get work
- Vital time management skills so you earn as much as possible
- And much, much more!
