Your Home Based Business and Your Job/Career

When people decide to start a home based business, it can be a very overwhelming experience. It is new to them and there are so many different ways, products and systems on how to make money online with their home based business.
Let's first talk about "where do you start and "what to look for in a home based business system".
When I first started, I was completely overwhelmed with all the different ways to make money online. There is a lot of crap out there and sifting through all this crap to find a good, proven system is half the battle to starting a successful home based business.
The only advice I can give you, is to find a "home based business system" that has a beginning and end. It should be "step by step" and it should give you the "big picture." It should be a system that is similar to when you went to school/college. First, you take economics 101; once you pass that you move on to economics 102 and so on. - this is the only way to make money online with your home base business. Making money online is a "learning process" and you must find a system that you can follow and learn from.
Making money online is a "process" and not a "get rich quick" gimmick or "product. Making money online with your home based business will take you time to learn and develop. There is no such thing as "get rich quick", so stay away from anything making these claims. Stay away from "this guy made $102,340 in 3 months" or "use this push button software and make $15,000 per month." These kinds of "sales pitches" are false and misleading and I can pretty much guarantee that you will not duplicate what they claim, so stay away from them and save your money.
So, where does you current job fit into the picture of making money online with your home based business?
Your current job/career is a "critical piece of the puzzle" of having success online with your home based business. Never quit your job/career to pursue making money online unless you are financially sound and have significant savings. What do I mean about financially sound? Well, this is a personal decision, but what I can say is that probably 99% of us do not have the adequate savings to go it alone with no job. Be very careful with this decision as your current job/career is paying your bills, mortgage, living expenses etc. and you need to make sure this is covered each and every month to free your mind of unnecessary stress and future financial problems.
Work at your current job/career and while working at your current job, work part-time (5-15 hours per week is all that is needed and probably the most common) on your home based business and learn the "online skills" needed to be successful with your home based business. It is an exciting process and it can change your life as you know it, if you put in the time, develop patience, be dedicated and blow through any obstacle that comes your way.
These are some basic questions that you must address before you start any home based business or making money online opportunity. If you address these issues and develop a plan around these issues, you will be on your way to creating the life you want.
The economy is in the tank, the political environment in all countries is in complete chaos and there is a world wide recession impacting each and every one of us. Normal everyday people are getting killed in the pocket book and there is no job security anymore.
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Top 3 Work From Home Businesses

1. eBay home business. eBay is a fantastic work from home business. Whether you are a student, single mum or dad this can be a great way of quickly getting up and running in just a few hours.
What I suggest you do is start out selling your own items you don't need in your house to build up your feedback score and then become a reseller of information products that people want. Good markets are health, wealth and dating and relationships. Just choose a sub niche in either of these markets.
eBay has also the advantage of you not trying to find traffic and people searching on eBay are hungry buyers and so building a buyers list can make you an income for years to come.
2. Affiliate Marketing. This is where you earn a commission from other people's products if they buy through your link. The great advantages is that someone else has spent the time and money creating a quality product and you get to benefit from that by selling it. Also you won't have to ship out the product unlike eBay as the product creator will do that for you and they will handle all the customer support issues.
To get started as an affiliate I suggest you sign up to affiliate programs like or commission junction and have a look at the market place there. I would say it's best to purchase a copy of products you want to sell for a commission as you need to know if the product is quality and does what it says in its terms and conditions.
The other way you can become an affiliate is approach a company of products you really like in your market and contact the owner and ask if you can become an affiliate.
3. Selling your own information products. This may sound daunting but really it is not. For instance you could create a simple e-book giving information on a particular topic you know about and charge $27. Or you could let other people do the hard work and interview some experts in your niche and record the interview using Pamela for Skype software and upload it to amazons3 server which is free and you're up and running with a downloadable product you can sell for $47.
You can add higher priced products to your portfolio over time, giving you a very profitable and sustainable business.You could also add in upsells after customers initially purchase your low cost front end product.
Anyway I hope that was very helpful for you. A work from home business does not have to be complicated.You can easily do this and yes it may take a few weeks to learn some new skills but the process is very simple and if you take action on this information you can achieve amazing results.